
  • May reduce risk of contracting some STD’s if used consistently and correctly each time.
  • Human error reduces the effectiveness - nothing is 100%.
  • Check out the CDC site for more information regarding condom effectiveness and consistent correct usage.

You may have heard people say, “Use a condom every time you have sex.” Reading that, you might think that condoms make sex safe, that they solve all problems. Unfortunately, research shows that’s not the case. Condoms don’t make sex safe, they just make sex less risky.

Condoms also have some shortcomings. Besides being able to break, fall off, or have a hole in them, condoms only cover the penis. This mean that any of the STI/STDs that can be spread by skin-on-skin contact can be contracted if the infection is in an area the condom doesn’t cover.

Are You Overexposed?

“When you have sex with someone, you are having sex with everyone they have had sex with for the last ten years, and everyone they and their partners have had sex with for the last ten years.”

- C. Everett Koop, M.D., Former U.S. Surgeon General -

A condom will NEVER protect your HEART.

Did you know that sex releases certain chemicals in your brain that change the way you think?

These chemicals are called hormones. The hormones released during sex work to bond you to your partner. When you have sex with someone, it’s like gluing two pieces of paper together. If you tried to tear those pages apart, the break wouldn’t be a clean one. The same kind of thing happens when there’s a breakup in a sexual relationship. One or both of the people end up hurt. If this happens over and over, you may have trouble bonding to someone that you want to start a family with later on.

Think of if you stick a piece of tape onto something, take it off, stick it to something else, take it off, stick it to something else....does it ever stick as good as it did at the beginning?

Your heart is precious and worth protecting!

Are you at risk for an STD?
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